This question has been battling in my mind for decades, when I have been fighting with my own obligations and choices. Although the responsibilities are not described in any law (at least in Finland) it is still an important topic in our lives. I have made major choices and taken […]
My name is Tommi Sundqvist, I´m 51 years old (born 1969). This is a true story of a patient with one clear mission: To stay healthy and happy despite having a severe autoimmunity disease. I am sharing my story as an inspiration to anyone who suffers from digestive disorders, especially […]
Our aim is to help the children in a football team in Gambia, to be able to continue their football hobby by registering the team. Provide nourishment for them through our chicken farmer entrepreneur Dawda Manga. He is an ex-soldier and will also educate them to avoid the dangerous path of asylum seekers via Libya where so many people […]
This is a true survival story of how I had to make a choice to abandon pharmaceutical medicines 15 years ago to regain my health naturally. Please note, that I have gone through many medicine choices and I am still open to see a medicine that could help. Side effects have always […]