My name is Tommi Sundqvist and I come from Kaarina, southwest Finland and I am the leader of the children of Gambia project funded by Rotary charity organisation. I have a Bachelor’s degree in IT-communications. Being an entrepreneur has made me to think about the ways how I can help others, simply because I can and if I can´t, I will find a way how. It changes you, when you see firsthand the poverty and struggle to survive just from day to day. Meeting these brave people have changed my values in life. I hope it touches you also. Let this story to be an example that you can start very small (one football) and grow bigger. Thank God I have the Rotary and its people by my side helping these gambians. Together we make miracles!
Our goal is to support local children and football team in Gambia to have a safe hobby, and to build a small network, that can provide them good nourishment and even work. These actions, together with information of the dangers of Asylum, will hopefully stop some of them from becoming Asylum seekers in Europe. As you can understand these problems are so big, that we need help. That´s where The Rotary organisation came along.
What we saw in Gambia was more than just fixing small issues here and there. Basically they have shortages of everything. Me and my wife Heli Mikkola were simply tourists that wanted to do something. I hope to inspire and unite people to work together for common goal. In february 2021 the dream is coming true as our volunteer group is growing with energetic future leaders from young Rotaracts. *
Smile is always free and it works its magic where ever you are.
My latest job was in international sales in a start-up, which was ended by Covid pandemic. So it has given me a unique chance to help gambians, so I have put my whole heart into this project. I am very proud of these three local stars (Sam, Ratti and Dawda) who are making these miracles happen in Gambia, as can be seen in this story below. Big applause goes to The Rotary organisation, which has enabled this project of wonders.
Gambia – The smiling Coast of Africa
Gambia is the smallest African country (size of Jamaica, Crete island or Southwest Finland area, Varsinais-Suomi)
bounded by Senegal, with 80 km of sandy beaches in Atlantic coastline. You may see leopards, hippos, hyenas and rare birds.
Capital: Banjul
President: Adama Barrow
Population: 2.348 million (2019)
Currency: Gambian dalasi
Average salary: 50 € / 3100 Dalasi / month (people we have met)
Official language: English (+ about 9 tribe languages Mandinka, Wolof etc.)
One football gave me these smiles, which I will never forget.
Our Gambia story started in 2017 when my wife Heli and I visited The smiling coast for the first time. I had to “digest” the idea of travelling to Africa a few years before we actually got there, travelling to Africa with Crohn´s disease makes it a bit more complicated. We landed in Gambia on december 2017 and the first day we met local coaches and travel guides Sam and Ratti.
Ratti, Tommi and Sam 2017
When you read more, you understand that so many things have been “meant to happen”. I haven´t forced anything, most things have happened in a flow, which still amazes me daily. I am thankful for being able to learn a new culture, meeting wonderful people and so many precious things in life. I truly believe all this is making me a better person and I feel I have a mission. In my work life I have never felt this so strongly. When I give from my heart, I get so much more than a paycheck.
“I didn´t have a clue what this trip started, but it sure has had a big impact on my life.”
Sam and Ratti introduced their football team to us, almost 40 children altogether. It clicked right away, we saw the impact of having a hobby and what it means, and felt it in our hearts. I bought one football, one they did not have, and in return we were greeted with genuine smiles and happy faces. Something inside me was turner on!
When Sam asked, would you like to help us and the team? Well if I only had known what I know today…
Three key people in this project: Sam, Ratti (coaches) and Dawda Manga (chicken farmer)
Chicken farmer and Ex-soldier Dawda Manga
I was introduced to a Rotary charity organisation, in 2018 and joined The Rotary club of Turku Samppalinna, Finland just before our next trip to Gambia in december. What a coincidence 🙂
While we were in Gambia 2018, we went to a local Rotary meeting which, by the way, is a great way to get connected with people around the world! One of the best sides being a Rotary. There we met Ian Dow and Nona Lamb from Rotary Club Aberdeen St Nicholas, Scotland. As pictures tell you below, we did some charity together, I was amazed how we worked together and achieved great goals in just few days. That gave me confidence that this could be a real Rotary campaign which is now happening! Thank you Rotary!
The funding comes from The Rotary organisation
The idea of a charity project turned into reality after summer of 2018 when our Club received the first district grant money. May I remind you that if we give 1 € to gambian individual, to give the same benefit if a person is brought as a refugee, we have to give 136 €. That is why we can do miracles with much less money when helping them on-site in Gambia.
SAM´S DREAM – is to keep the children off the streets and give them a good and safe hobby.
2019 – 2020 (two district grants)
Children of Gambia project in a nutshell – the goals
1. Safe hobby to children
2. Better food to the children
3. Supporting entrepreneurship
4. Avoiding asylum
Our aim is to help the children in a football team in Gambia, to be able to continue their football hobby by registering the team. Provide nourishment for them through our chicken farmer entrepreneur Dawda Manga. He is an ex-soldier and will also educate them to avoid the dangerous path of asylum seekers via Libya where so many people suffer and even die. We want to spread the message that it is not a great option to come to Europe. The project aims also to create business opportunities to local people and more sustainable life in their own homeland!
Main achievements 2017 – 1/2021
When you set the goals, you need to remember that things don’t happen instantly.
Instead, you need to be happy even from the baby steps what you achieve.
1. We have enabled a safe hobby for almost 100 children and paid the registration fee for the Football team. Samtom Football Academy is now reality and a dream come true for the players and coaches. It enables them to attend tournaments, keep and motivate players in their team and if one day someone wants to buy a player, they get compensated. The coaches, Sam and Ratti, get a small monthly payment.
2. Dawda Manga is running his own chicken farm. He has already donated eggs to the team. He is also teaching the football coaches how to raise chickens of their own one day. In the future we may start a program where he teaches other people too, to feed their families. Chicken farmer, ex-soldier Dawda Manga gets over 200 eggs daily in february 2021. It has taken 2,5 years to get this far and make him independent.
3. Dawda Manga has been lecturing the kids of the team monthly about how and why to avoid the dangerous and illegal immigration. Other topics have been i.e. good nutrition, entrepreneurship and how to treat animals.
4. Medications and vaccinations to the beach dogs
5. Two small shipments of football equipments have been sent in a container.
6. The boys won their first tournament in January 2021!
Sam was nominated the most valuable coach of the tournament. Also Musa Balajo was chosen as the most valuable player.
7. We are starting a collaboration between Rotaractors * (aged 17-30) from Finland and Gambia in february 2021. Together they will plan a food fiesta for the team. Gambians will fulfill the idea with Dawda Manga and the coaches. We hope to see lots of planning and social media postings during the campaign. The idea is to get them to work together and learn from different cultures. On top of that the children will get good food and appreciation.

* Rotaract focuses on the development of young adults as leaders in their
communities and workplaces. Rotaract stands for Rotary in Action.
This is a great way to start the year of 2021!
We want to thank Turku Samppalinna Rotary Club and its Gambia project-team Risto Suviala, Matti Vetriö, Erja Vihervaara and Stefania Federico. Especially big hearted Rotary people Risto Suviala (PDG) and Pentti Aspila (Rotary Foundation Committee Chairman) for believing us from the beginning!
With warmest regards,
Tommi Sundqvist and Heli Mikkola
Project manager for Children of Gambia
* Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service. In communities worldwide, Rotary and Rotaract members work side by side to take action through service.
Ps. I also want to help other people with IBD. I have written a book about nutrition’s role in autoimmune disease, you can find “The Naked gut – true story” book on Amazon around the globe.
9 thoughts on “Gambia – how a vacation turned into a charity project”
Great community service project
Thank you Babar!
Great job. I HV been a Rotarian since 2005/6 Rotary year. I was a Rotaractor for 5 years in my University days. I HV served in many committees and more in Polio committee. I attended my first Rl Convention in Los Angeles in 2008. I HV attended many more ever since. Rotary is good. Perhaps you can visit Nigeria to see how we are Serving Humanity.
Thank you for your service too! Together we can do so much more. Thank you for invitation. How safe is Nigeria for tourists today? I have never been there. I hope all the best to, god bless you.
Wonderful profile and great job done Rtn Tommi Sundqvist 🙏👍👏
Thank you Halima, you have a very long and fruitfull career in Rotary. That’s a very honorable thing, you have made this planet better. Yes, who knows where we travel after Covid eases or maybe in conference? I thank you very much and wish you all the Best!
Thank you for choosing Gambia for your charity. I suggest you involve a local rotary club in the Gambia that it will make your job easy transparent and accountable. Link my club rotary club of Banjul and pls don’t hesitate to drop me am email in my inbox.rotary serving humanity to change lives
Hello Rtn Papa Dinding,
Thank you for your answer. I am interested to know more how we can co-operate in Gambia, so please get in touch with me. Thank you.
Together we can make so much more.