On ilo olla elossa ja voida kohtuullisen hyvin ja tällä tarkoitan erityisesti suoliston terveyttä. Tammikuussa 2004, 34-vuotiaana, luulin elämäni olevan ohi. Tänään vuonna 2024, kaikesta huolimatta, olen edelleen täällä. Joten julkaisen tässä kohokohtia kirjastani “The Naked Gut – true story”. Se on tarina selviytymisestäni ja taistelustani vaikean Crohnin taudin kanssa […]
This year I am celebrating life. I am happy to be alive and have a good gut health. In January 2004, at the age of 34 I thought my life was over. Today, June 2024, against all odds, I am still here. So, I am posting here a summery of […]
Digestion, what a masterpiece and gift from our Creator! Digestion is crucial for the body, so in order to understand just the basics, let´s take a look at the route food has to go through in your system. Digestion´s job is to break down the food gradually into smaller components […]
How much has IBS/IBD affected my life and that of others too? The answer is very much so. I have been forced to make difficult decisions like giving up careers like being a fireman and other hard choices. CAN WE CHOOSE? Life is a big teacher, it offers you different […]
I admit, I did not pay any attention to the healthy and balanced bacteria before nor did I understand how important our digestive system to our health is. Years of neglected behavior, mainly as unhealthy food choices like sugar, gluten etc. were nibbling my gut bacteria until I realised how essential it […]
For starters: I really feel that I had no other choice than change the course! I know there are millions of people like me who are searching for relief from stomach and intestine problems like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and to more severe conditions such as IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease), Crohn´s disease […]